In Apricena
Modern and efficient facilities for meat processing

Reception, storage, sectioning, and distribution of meat

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Equipped with advanced technologies and facilities that comply with the latest regulations, GM is a benchmark in the meat processing and distribution sector. Our refrigeration cells and machinery ensure maximum efficiency and safety at every stage of the process, from processing to shipping.

Contact us for more information

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Icon – Geolocation

Via Umberto Fraccacreta,

71011 Apricena (FG)

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Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

General Questions

Do you have any questions about our business? Find the answers below!

  • Where is Ingrosso Carni Gm located?

    Ingrosso Carni Gm is located in Apricena (FG) - Via Umberto Fraccacreta null.

  • What are the opening hours of Ingrosso Carni Gm?

    The opening hours of Ingrosso Carni Gm are: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 17:00.

  • What services does Ingrosso Carni Gm offer?

    Ingrosso Carni Gm offers the following service: Wholesale sales.

  • What are the user reviews of Ingrosso Carni Gm?

    Read the reviews of Ingrosso Carni Gm or leave your opinion on

  • How can I contact Ingrosso Carni Gm?

    You can contact Ingrosso Carni Gm via email:, or by phone: 350 9238561.

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